Americans dump over 12 million tons of furniture annually, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, as measured in a 2018 study. Although some of the debris is burned to fuel energy recovery, the majority of percent is disposed of in landfills. However, it doesn’t have to be this in that way.

You may be planning to make a huge move and want to buy new furnishings for the new home.

You may be looking to become an environmentally conscious consumer. In either case, choosing sustainable furniture will reduce the amount of waste generated, save resources, and bring positive health advantages to your home and the environment.

What Is Sustainable Furniture?

Shop sustainable furniture means looking at the entire cycle of a product, from the way it’s created to how it arrives at your doorstep. Every stage of production could increase or decrease the carbon footprint.

Choose furniture constructed using natural materials, like reclaimed wood, and stay clear of carbon-intense substances like steel and concrete.

The term ‘sustainability‘ is often overused and fails to address how products are made.

For instance, the covers on your sofa might be made of recycled materials. However, those materials are usually recycled petroleum products, which have an off-gassing effect. 

Furniture that is sustainably produced focuses on the impact on the environment. However, it can also impact the environment in your home, particularly the quality of your indoor air. Chemicals and materials employed to build furniture, such as adhesives, paint, and wood preservatives, contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Shopping for Sustainable Furniture

To find truly sustainable furniture, be sure to keep these six suggestions in mind.

  • Buy Furniture That Is Made with Sustainable Materials

Non-toxic and renewable materials, such as bamboo fibers, natural fibers, ethically made wood, reclaimed or locally sourced wood cork, and recycled materials, are great options when buying furniture. Avoid purchasing furniture made from non-renewable sources, like endangered species of trees.

Purchasing second-hand furniture or antiques is a good opportunity for sustainability since no new materials are being utilized. It prevents these pieces from being discarded by giving them a second life. 

  • Look for Durable Design

Choose furniture that is durable, well-built, and designed to last. 

Solid construction and quality craftsmanship will reduce the time and money used for repairs and replacement, producing less waste. This results in less demand overall instead of promoting the production of less durable “fast furniture.”

  • Choose Furniture That Can Be Recycled

Before you purchase furniture, please consider whether the entire or any portion of it is recyclable or reused. Alternatively, it could be biodegradable.

When furniture is reused, it contributes to a circular economy. This means that the production and consumption process extend the life cycle and benefits individuals, businesses, and the environment.

  • Find the Material Source

How the materials are procured is a major factor in evaluating their sustainability. Certain materials are less sustainable than others. These criteria will benefit the selection of the materials with the lowest environmental impact.

In the ideal scenario, materials can be taken from a local or nearby location and caused or reused. 

Final Thoughts

If you are buying sustainable furniture, be aware of the environmental impact of materials used to make the furniture, as well as the emissions of the supply chain, the duration of a product’s lifecycle, and the potential for VOCs to be found within your home. Avoid greenwashing claims and check the authenticity of any product labels or certifications.

Purchasing sustainable furniture could require more upfront effort than a trip to your local furniture shop. However, investing in a way that will benefit your family, home, and the environment is well worth it.

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